The Transport Department is established at Metropolitan Assembly as per Second Schedule of the Local Governance Act, 2016 (Act 936).
To develop a safe transportation infrastructure and services to deliver enhanced socio-economic opportunities for the citizenry.
To deliver transportation management solutions that provide safe, effective, efficient, accessible and convenient transportation system through Local Government Service delivery standards consistent with best consumer satisfaction to enhance the quality of life of the people.
(a) To ensure development of a well-planned transport network and properly regulated transportation services in te Metropolis.
(b) To dvelop accurate transpport database to enable effective integration of urban and transport development at the Metro level.
(c) To ensure effective, efficient and sustainable transport services delivery and improve general mobility of people and goods within the Metropolis.
(d) To develop capacity and technical expertise for transport planning, regulation, safety and network development at the Metropolis.
The Transport Department in the Metropolitan Assembly shall: